1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. HEINEKEN International B.V (“Heineken”, “we” or “us”) has created a digital worldwide platform called Connected Blade (“Platform”). 1.2. The Platform is intended to enable customers (“Customers” or “you”) who have purchased a connected Blade device (“Device”) to monitor the Device and the usage thereof. 1.3. These terms of use (the “Terms”) constitute a binding legal agreement between us and you and govern your use of the Platform at all times. 1.4. By logging onto the Platform, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these Terms. 2. SIGN-UP PROCESS 2.1. When you sign up to the Platform, you will be asked to provide the following information: (i) email address; (ii) password; (iii) Outlet name; (iv) Address, street and number; (v) City (vi) country; and (vii) date of birth (which we need for our age compliance requirements). 3. DATA COLLECTED 3.1. Through the Platform, we collect the following data in relation to the Device (“Data”): (i) keg temperature (°C); (ii) bowl temperature (°C); (iii) ambient temperature (°C); (iv) keg pressure (Bar); (v) current volume (mL); (vi) tapping cycle; (vii) operating parameter status in relation to: • dome LED status; • dome LED switch status; • locking box status; • locking box switch status; • cooling compressor status; • cooling fan status; and • air pump status; (viii) Events based on measurements/switch changes: • locking box errors; • temperature; and • switch changes. 3.2. Please consult our Privacy Notice for a full explanation on how the Data referred to at 3.1 (as well as your personal data) is processed and stored. 3.3. Any Customer who is an employer who uses the Device in the course of operating its business acknowledges that the Data could be used to monitor the manner in which the Device is handled/used and therefore to monitor the performance of employees. In such cases, the Customer acts as an independent data controller and is responsible for complying with all applicable data protection laws. Specifically, the Customer undertakes to inform its employees if it will monitor their performance using the Data and indemnifies us against any claims that may arise in relation to processing personal data for this purpose. 4. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The Platform and its entire contents, features and functionality (including but not limited to all information, software, text, displays, images, video and audio, and the design, selection and arrangement thereof) are owned by us and are protected by copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws. 5. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 5.1. All confidential information communicated to you by or on behalf of us and all documents relating to the same and copies (digitally or otherwise) made thereof (the "Information") to you shall at all times remain our property. 5.2. You will keep confidential the Information and the contents of the Platform, and not disclose the Information to any person other than to your employees, directors or advisers who need to know the Information for the purposes of the Platform (and you shall impose upon all such employees, directors or advisers the strictest secrecy in respect of the Information). 5.3. The obligations contained in Clauses 5.1 and 5.2 shall not apply to any Information: 5.3.1. already in the public domain, or subsequently in the public domain, other than by breach of these Terms; or 5.3.2. required to be disclosed by any applicable law, or any regulatory or governmental body to which you are subject to or submits to. 5.4. You will not make any announcements to third parties, about us, the Platform, the contents of these Terms or the activities undertaken by us under these Terms or in relation to the Platform, unless we have provided you with prior written consent. 6. INDEMNIFICATION You agree to indemnify, defend and hold us and each of our agents, directors, employees, information providers, licensors and licensees, officers, parents, subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “Indemnified Parties”) harmless from and against any and all liability and costs (including, without limitation, legal fees and costs) incurred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with any claim arising out of any breach by you of these Terms. You will cooperate as fully as reasonably required in our defence of any such claim. We reserve the right to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you. Under no circumstances will you settle any such matter without our express prior written consent. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1. We provide no guarantee or make no representation: (i) about the availability, accuracy or completeness of the content contained on the Platform; (ii) that the content or technology is free from errors or omissions; and (iii) that service(s) will at all times be faultless and/or without interruptions. 7.2. We shall not be liable for any damages that may result from the use of the Platform, including, but not limited to, damages resulting from the failure or delay in delivery of electronic communications, interception or manipulation of electronic communications by third parties or by computer programs used for electronic communications and transmission of viruses. 8. TERMINATION 8.1 We reserve the right to – (i) terminate these Terms for any reason by providing you with 30 days’ notice to that effect; and (ii) modify, suspend, or terminate your access to the Platform with immediate effect where, for example, suspicious or unlawful conduct has occurred, including fraud, or if we reasonably believe you to have violated our Terms or created harm, risk, or possible legal exposure for us, our users, or others. 8.2. You may terminate these Terms at any time by deleting your account from the Platform. 9. CONFLICTING TERMS In the event that you have entered into a written agreement with us, and the terms thereof in conflict with these Terms, the terms of your written agreement will prevail. The remaining paragraphs of these Terms will remain in full force and effect. 10. MISCELLANEOUS 10.1 You may not cede any or all of your rights or delegate any or all of your obligations under these Terms without our prior written consent. We may cede any or all of our rights or delegate any or all of our obligations under these Terms to a group company without your prior written consent. 10.2. No contract varying, adding to, deleting from or cancelling these Terms, and no waiver of any right under these Terms, shall be effective unless reduced to writing and signed by both of us. 10.3. The grant of any indulgence, extension of time or relaxation of any provision by one of us under these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of any right by the grantor or prevent or adversely affect the exercise by the grantor of any existing or future right of the grantor. 10.4. We shall at all times act in good faith towards each other and shall not bring the other party into disrepute. 11. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION These Terms are to be governed, interpreted and implemented in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands. 12. CONTACT Please contact in case you have any questions concerning anything on the Platform.